Take a picture you can include in the thank you notes! After all the craziness of wedding planning, most new husbands and wives want to do nothing more than bask in their newlywed glow. While it's definitely important to take time to enjoy your new husband-and-wife status, it's equally important to thank all your guests for attending your celebration. Writing several - potentially hundreds - of thank you notes can be a daunting task for anyone, but it doesn't have to be as challenging as you think! Here a few tips to make writing your wedding thank you notes a breeze! Simplify the Process! Don't make writing thank you notes harder than it needs to be. If you're still planning the wedding, consider setting up a table with envelopes and pens so your guests can write their names and addresses for you! It will take each individual guest less than a minute, and it will save you hours. Pace Yourself! Writing one hundred thank you notes in one sittin...