When you begin planning a wedding , you will want to have a budget in mind. This is the best way to keep your spending from getting out of hand, which you will very quickly discover can happen before you realize it! WhereBridesGo.com has some simple tips that you can easily implement to save money in a few different areas of your wedding. Shop After-Holiday Sales & Clearance Aisles If you are planning your wedding about a year in advance, that gives you time to buy seasonal items that fit the time of year you are getting married when they go on sale. There are also lots of great holiday items that are meant for using at a celebration that don't only pertain to that particular holiday. For example, lots of Christmas decorations aren't the traditional red and green, but are white, silver, or gold with some sparkle on them instead. These could work well with just about any color scheme. Take a quick walk down clearance aisles in stores that you frequent every time...